The third question for my CCR is “How did your production skills develop throughout this project?” I'm going to discuss my research and planning procedures. Then I'm going to scroll the approach to production. So, what I did to adapt, and then I'm going to end with a reflection on how it started and where it ended, and what I learned along the way.
From the beginning, I started researching the two genres that I knew I wanted to do for this project, which were coming-of-age and drama. I researched 3 Drama movies and analyzed the techniques that were used to establish the setting and to develop the story. Then within the drama genre, I decided to. Directly analyze 3 openings for three different movies and take into account the opening sequences, the fonts, and what was being shown. Once we had the basics like the genre conversion. And the plot of our movie. We started with storyboarding. Creating a Storyboard was extremely helpful as it allowed us to put our ideas down on paper and kind of visualize what the filming process would look like and what the final product would look like. Before filming, we started creating our props and set design elements that would be important to our opening.
One thing I learned was to not underestimate the filming process. I thought that since we had prepared well by creating storyboards and having a clear idea of what we needed to film, that the production process would be quick and easy and the least of our worries but it’s not like that. On our third day of filming, when we had 99% of the shots done, we realized that what we had filmed wasn’t something we would want to submit. The whole thing was way too long, and all the shots looked rushed, which was terrible since we wanted the opening to be slow paced and raw. Luckily, we still have enough time to reshoot. The whole thing again, but this time we cut out the first half and only focused on what we felt was important to our story.
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