Monday, September 30, 2024

One Word Film Project

    For my One Word Film project we were randomly assigned a word which was the feeling that needed to be conveyed in our film. Our film could not include dialogue or music with lyrics, and it had to be at least one minute long. The goal was to create a piece of media that communicated the assigned feeling without stating it.  

    We started by brainstorming what possible scene we could create that would transmit the feeling of remorse. We first wrote down each shot including what would happen in it and what type of shot it was, we also identified some editing techniques we wanted to include in our final product. After developing the basic outline, we created our storyboard to see the visual portrayal of the narrative and break down the action into panels. This step essentially allowed us to have clearer visual representations of each scene so that when it was time to film, we would not waste our time figuring out where to stand or how to act. Up to this point, all the work was done in a group but when it was time to edit it was done individually. I chose to edit it on iMovie after not being able to support Adobe Premiere Pro on my home laptop. This was hard for me since I was more familiar with Adobe due to my past classes, but I managed to do a decent job. 
    In my opinion, my group and I developed a good story and managed to represent our words clearly. One of my favorite things we did was the focus pull when the girl looked over at her friend. I do wish we could have improved some things like the editing and story pacing. As I stated before, it was my first time using iMovie and I had already thought of how to do all the editing in Adobe Premiere Pro so when I had to edit at home, I was lost. I would have also liked to improve our story pacing; part of the requirements was to develop a scene that could realistically take place over the span of one minute. Our story wasn’t as true to this requirement and could have been developed differently.  

Click here to look at our storyboard

Click here to watch our project

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