Wednesday, March 5, 2025


 We started by creating the production company logo that would be seen during the start of our film opening. We wanted to make it animated so we decided to open Canva (a software we were all familiar with) and we took it from there. 

First, we came up with the name “Door Productions” and included an animated door opening and the word “productions” being inside of it, the door would close and then fade to black. We started by using a slide show, but this made the transition look choppy and our options were limited since we had the free version. Then, we brainstormed different names with different animations that would go with them. Eventually, Santina suggested the name “Look for Productions” where the two O’s would be eyes that would move around and blink. This time, instead of editing it on a slideshow, we used the video option. We used the “animate” feature to make the O’s move and this time it looked so much smoother and more professional. 

Here is the final product: 

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Group Meeting #2

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