Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Music Marketing Part 2

 After two weeks of work, the music marketing project is done! It was a lot of work and we did have some challenges, but I am extremely proud of our finished product and how we marketed our new R&B band, The Brokers. Honestly, this project was extremely fun and helped me understand how much work is being put in when upcoming artists try to market themselves to the industry, especially with creating a personality and maintaining it through social media. We made a short video to document the process of completing this project. I hope you enjoy it! 

If you want to see the finished product for our music video click here

Monday, December 9, 2024

Music Marketing Planning and Process

The music marketing project involves creating a marketing campaign for a new and upcoming imaginary artist within the assigned genre. In my case, the genre was R&B. 

My group and I started the project by choosing two record labels (RCA and Columbia Records) and for each, we chose one R&B artist to research. I researched Beyonce while my teammates researched Doja Cat, Tyler the Creator, and SZA. The research included analyzing the artist’s digital and non-digital marketing and distribution techniques and the artist’s brand and target audience. This part helped me get an insight into different marketing techniques done by these artists and their use of social media to market their music and products. 

Once done with the research, my group and I decided to create a schedule to tackle this long project. We need to create a presentation, film a music video, and record a short blog about the whole process. We planned everything over two weeks and decided to film our music video over the weekend. After doing this, we were given a folder with 3 R&B songs to choose as our first release for our new artist. We landed on the song Coming Home. 

After deciding on our song, we started brainstorming ideas for our music video and creating a storyboard. We landed on the idea of doing a combination, combining both storytelling and promotional music videos. This allowed us to showcase our “band” while also conveying the message of the song. 

We are currently a week away from the due date and we need to edit our music video and finish our Canva stand-alone presentation. I think that taking the time to plan and schedule when we were going to get different sections of the project done really helped with getting more done and not feel so overwhelmed.



Editing Process

  We started editing on Adobe Premiere Pro. There isn’t much to edit other than the title, the sound, and the coloring. At first, we planne...